Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
Click on pic for larger image

Genre: Pop
Voting ends on: Monday, July 21st, 9:00am CST (GMT-5)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
No One 3 votes
Vanishing Point Necktie - 14 votes
Il Scriccorino - 2 votes
Saddles shoes - 2 votes
Wow, if I am in a band photo ever again I'll be sure and take vanishing point. Vanishing Point Necktie is in charge!
Click on pic for larger image

Neck tie's in charge. The laws of one point perspective demand it.
Large Marine Animals (insert your own joke here). The guy wearing the bowling shoes is clearly a drummer. Far left isn't Italian, probably an escapee from a Portugese prison. Second from left is in charge (necktie, vanishing point, etc...)
I shall also throw in a vote for Vanishing Point. The eye just goes there, after being momentarily distracted by Italian Dustin Diamond on the far right (Or, as he is known in their native land, El Screecho).
Posterchild for "Got Doritos?"
Stoner-in-the-tie's leading that outfit.
Wouldn't it be Il Scriccorino?
That's who'll I'll vote for
How do you suppose they get all their equipment onto their Vespas for gigs?
It's tempting to say Silvio Berlusconi is in charge, given that he controls all things mass media in Italy. But this being an even-numbered year, he's again in charge of the Italian government. That leaves him little time to book these guys hotel rooms for the San Remo festival. I'll have to go with "La Cravatta" (the necktie), at least until Berlusconi is out of power again (for all anyone knows, later this week).
Necktie gets my vote. He looks like the one with the vision. The one who came up with the band name, and the one who would be most satisfying to punch.
I'll go with the second guy in from the left.
Loose necktie is in charge.
if you look closely, the guy on the right has a necktie too... but that doesn't mean he's in charge - mr. vanishing point necktie is. and quite an achievement it is; to be in charge of the sons of che guevara, pablo picasso, and gino vanelli!
Definitely dark dude in the tie -- he's all broody and in the shadows because he's soooo in charge, he doesn't even need to be in the front. Nice. The other guys just look sleepy and/or like they are wearing uncomfortable pants . . . that being said, it's also quite possible that second-from-right's pseudo-saddle shoes are in charge. Just a thought . . .
Bubble perm tie wearer round on the right, nice tidy posture, he is in charge.
The 2nd on the right has my vote. Cleanest haircut = used to meeting with promoters and record execs. Obviously the band leader is the one responsible for that.
I vote for the gray-ish looking building in the background. I have no proper reasoning for this vote because Im a very sleepy little girl right now.
Gray building in the way back in charge just because.
I vote for the same dude everyone else is voting for, second from the left, simply because his hair is the floppiest.
I'm going to have to go with saddle shoes. The guy on the left looks like he just slid into the picture from the other side of the street since he is not wearing the mandated dark jacket.
The crocodile in the sewer beneath them is in charge. It's all in the band name.
The 2nd hipster from the left.
I vote for Mr. Vanishing Point too. Not only because of perspective, but if a truck or even a bicycle is headed toward them, the other band members get hit first. So, the Human Shield owner is the leader.
I vote Necktie.
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