Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
Click on pic for larger image

Genre: Rock
Voting ends on: Monday, October 19th, 9:00am CST (GMT-5)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended.
Tom Savini, Far Left: 2 votes
Bald and Center: 2 votes
The Asian Gentleman: 1 vote
Hirstute Dethklok Fan: 1 vote
Another tie! Mister VP? Mister VP?

"Vice President of the United States Joe Biden speaking!"
What say you, good sir?

"During my long tenure representing the wonderful state of Delaware, we had a name for the type of problem you have presented me with: a 'No-Brainer'. Note Mr. Savini. His forearms are defiantly bare. They are tightly crossed in front of him, revealing the raw power of his musculature. It is a display of strength and leadership. I can't tell you how many times Robert Byrd exacted a similar stance on the floor of the Senate. And as far the fatigued gentleman in the center, that is not a look of leadership on his face. That is a 'I hope I find my housekeys soon' face. Mr. Tom Savini is in charge."
Click on pic for larger image

Is that Tom Savini on the far left?! Like he doesn't have enough groupies already. Sheesh. I say he's in charge man. Uh huh. Oh yeah.
I'm with Jin. The far left guy is far too cool and menacing. He's in control like a foal.
i vote for bald-n-lighted-n-center, not his oriental sidekick or the hired goons...
word verification "frapn" - what i muttered to myself just now when i saw that the guy i voted for last week lost, yet again ;)
They look like they're backstage at a show, lost and unable to find the stage like Spinal Tap in Cleveland. And that's strange given that four of the five band members look like roadies.
I have to vote for the Asian man in the rear. He's calm despite being lost backstage and is also the only one who doesn't look like a roadie.
Word verification: ourab: not my ab, not your ab, but ourab.
I have to go with scary guy in the middle - Mr Army Fatigue. Anyone who dyes their van dyke to match their outfit shows true commitment and is in charge.
It is my theory that today's metal bands are a close relation to the hair bands of the 80's. With this in mind I feel the need to vote for the most hirsute band member. That would be the Deathklok wearing guy on the far right. He uses the most shampoo and is in charge.
I'm sorry I missed the vote. Good use of Joe Biden!
The vote is over but did the true answer ever come out? The answer is the guy on the far right (Mike Portnoy). He is one of the all time best drummers.
Hey DTfan, thanks for stopping by!.
Nah, the true answer never really does come out. Sometimes the individual people pick ends up being the leader, sometimes it doesn't.
This blog is more of an analysis of the power dynamics of a band photo, rather than a quiz where one is trying to get the right answer.
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