Thursday, August 16, 2012

What do you think?

So, does this blog work?  Does it not work?

I created a Tumblr as an alternative to this blog, in hopes that it might be more traveled.

I want lots of people to vote, because the more people that vote, the more fun this whole thing is.

What am I doing wrong ? What could I be doing better?


Unknown said...

I cannot Tumblr for ya. I have too many social media accounts, and if I get one more my head will explode. And since I can't vote on Tumblr, sigh...I vote for the good ol' blog.

Shoshanah Marohn said...

I would rather you stayed here. I don't know what Tumbler is, actually. I'm like Chrisa.

Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

> So, does this blog work? Does it not work?
i see no problems with the blog format. the comments are the fun part, so a mere a-b-c-d vote wouldn't seem to be a good idea.

> I created a Tumblr as an alternative to this blog, in hopes that it might be more traveled.
i'm not a tumblr either...

> I want lots of people to vote, because the more people that vote, the more fun this whole thing is.

> What am I doing wrong ?
i see nothing *wrong* with the main idea (and am glad you're back).

> What could I be doing better?
if by "better" you mean attracting and keeping more visitors, i'd guess that's more of a promotional issue, doing whatever it takes to get noticed online.

though i admit i'd hate for it to get tooooo mega-ultra-popular and crowded with the kinds of idiotic comments typical to youtube, etc...

Ana said...

I pretty much agree with everything Hatless in Hattiesburg said.

Tumblr article age quickly: I follow relatively few blogs there, but just in a few hours my feed is overrun their posts and it's easy for a small post, especially a textual one, to get lost.

10 comments on the Sparks post?
That seems good to me - I know "big" sites that don't get nearly as many.

I like it here, I can comment easily, without registering for yet another account somewhere.

"Wrong" : "better"... Do you mean traffic? Eh, I like commenting, so that gets my site a large part of its traffic, but it depends on the person.