Determine a clan's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A clan's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
Click on pic for a larger image

Genre: Hip Hop
Voting ends on: Monday, February 4th, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
ODB (not pictured) - 5 votes
Everyone/No One - 5 votes
Far Right With The Saggy Pants - 8 votes
Casual Tan in the Bucket Hat - 28 votes
Headband Towel - 13 votes
Behind the "W" - 6 votes
Muscles On The Left - 10 votes
Yellow Stripes - 6 votes
The Smallest Fella - 4 votes
Big bald arms-crossed dude to the left - 4 votes
Tan Coat - 4 votes
The "W" symbol - 1 vote
Wow. Thank you to Blogger for highlighting this blog, and thank you all for visiting. And to those who took the time to consider the photo and cast your own vote, I especially want to thank you. I believe this is the type of blog that gets better with more participation, and I hope you'll consider spending a few minutes a week here to give your opinion about each band I post.
Either way, thanks.
No member of the Wu-Tang Clan is going home voteless, but there was one member who, based on the tally, practically oozed leadership in the picture.
Congrats to Casual Tan! You're in charge!
Click on pic for a larger image

I always forget which one is Wu and which one is Tang.
I'll say the guy on the far right. Guy with the lowest-slung pants wins!
uh, all of them.
"Wu-Tang clan ain't nuttin' ta f**k wit!"
The dude on our right in the front row with the hat. It's the whole casual cool thing.
Dude with white headband and white towel (back row, third from left), 'cuz he worked up a sweat from all that leadin', son!
You know what. I'm going to give a serious answer for once.
I think it should be RZA.
The Ghost Dog soundtrack tipped the scales in his favor for me. He's mad talented.
Uh--guy in front on the left? He's got big arm muscles.
The guy wearing the large white sneakers.
The silverback in the front left.
definitely the guy behind the "W". You can only see his right eye and his white toboggan. Who else could it possibly be?
Front Left.
ooohhh... look at those arms!
Hey Splotch!
You da man!
Blogs of note!!!
jealous jin
My vote is for the front right guy with the tan hat.
All look the same to me.
they all are..
Method Man (front right in gilligan hat)
I go with the guy sitting on the right...
Method Man. It's a combination of his barely visible gaze under the hat, the color scheme of his outfit (slightly dressier than the rest), and the way he's sitting back in his crouched position as if he just don't give a f*.
I vote crouching guy on the right, with the whole little fancy cap over his eyes thing.
i wold have to say the gentleman in the right front is in charge...
consider the well-groomed goatee, the masculine angular jaw, the semblance of a regal cape (hoodie draped around shoulders?) and the promient display of jewelry on the right wrist.
he's also displaying his balls.
thank you for this important analysis. if there were a a naked woman or a ninja in this picture i would have to change my analysis entirely
See what being a "blog of note" does for your comment count?
It's the guy sitting in front on the right.
Second on the left, I reckon. Cos it's always the smallest ones that are the most bossy!
Definitely ODB
The guy with the towel. The others are flanking him like body guards.
Back row, second from the left. Littlest guy is always the one in charge.
There are two cats in charge, first RZA who does a lot of soundtrack work. Then of course theres the Method 'Mutha-Fuckin' Man.
nuff said.
Mister O.D.B
the guy in blue in the front, mugging the camera. He may not be the band leader, but he wants to dominate the picture.
The guy in the front with hid srms crossed!
Cool blog by the way!
The guy hiding in the rear.
Guy with the white scarf. His position in the back middle, his stance, and his accessories all say alpha dog.
RZA is the leader of the Wu-Tang Clan. The one with the yellow and black jersey, second from the right in the back row.
Little guy with the black hat. Like ruth and p said.
Have to go with the RZA on this one. That is, the one with yellow stripes.
I've had a trawl back through your archives. I think I see a trend. Discounting baldness, the person identified as in charge can be determined by these factors in order of significance:
1. In front
2. Toward centre
3. Distinguishing features (dress etc)
4. Expression/seriousness
What do you think??
guy with the white towel, all your focus is on him
Meathod, hands down
The guy on the bottom left, in blue!
I'm thinking white towel guy. He definitely looks like he could give orders.
I think they all in charge in their way. RZA is in charge in He runs the show there!!
Guy wearing white towel around his neck I reckon!
dude with the brown had squatting
The guy with the blue shirt up front? eh, buffed and all.
brow hat, pointy beard.
Wow this is a really cool blog.
The answer is simple, the Rza but by just looking at the pic you would think Raekwon or Method Man. Killa Bees, the swarm!
Front right, tan jacket, with OD _ on it.
Satnding far right with the black knit hat on.
definately ODB belt dude on the right
haha this blog is too funny!
I think the big bald guy in the back row - he is tallest and the most serious - plus no hair or hat... def the leader
I bet the guy standing in the tan coat, although not in charge, has pulled some strings on these puppets from time to time.
The guy with the towel round his neck. Everyone is turned towards him except for his bodyguard thugs in the vanguard.
Definitely not the one hidden way in the back behind the bird thing. He's the pathetic loser of the group the others just keep around to feel better about themselves.
(Psst: is it too obvious I haven't a clue who the Wu-Tang Clan is, apart from having heard the name before? :))
There's gonna be a real election here!
I go with the guy with his pants saggin' below his butt.
The male with the blue do-rag and shirt, with arms crossed. He looks like he wants to kill you.
I think it's ODB just from the picture (and beacause I've only heard the name as well). Very enjoyable read, your blog!
I vote for the guy in the back row on the far left, with his arms crossed. He's the only one with his arms crossed. So. There.
back row, right middle, light jacket. he's relaxed. everyone else is ready to pounce on his command.
The One Behind The "W" Watching From Behind The Scenes Controlling All Of Them Whether They Know It Or Not Like Puppets.
Front seated right in beige hat.
The brown hat man!
The one furthest to our right with the strange pants. He's forward of the back row, but standing as opposed to those kneeling in the front. He's also doing something different than the rest of the group, with the exception of the flexing guy (but flexing guy is kneeling on the floor).
Now after that whole explanation, I'm probably wrong ;)
The guy wearing a white hat who is on the very back of the group, looks like he's almost behind the eagle-looking-logo-thing. HE is clearly the boss who doesn't need to show off because the clan knows he is in charge...
I think the leader is the one taking the most steroids.
I liked you better when you were underground, man. ;)
Have fun tallying all these votes!
I think the young man wearing the camel colored jacket is the leader of this troupe.
The others are to casual, stance is not put out front so to speak.
The young man with the towel is not the leader although I at first thought he could be but the towel is suggestive of a worker bee.
I have no idea, but I'll say the guy in the velour suit. I tend to think of true "leaders" as being people who don't need to be the center of attention.
Back row with the towel around his neck.
Oh yes it's ODB man holding his top still, perhaps it wouldn't just sit right, his top that is.
Terrible-- I can't identify the RZA. But he's definitely in charge.
Ghostface, yo.
Guy on the far right with boxers showing.
Far left standing
dude with the blue shirt
the guy at the front on the right? The one on the left looks like he's trying too hard but the one on the right looks more laid back.
I only found this blog today and I LOVE it!
I agree with pippa. He is the leader.
The guy in the front row all the way to the right.
The casual guy in the front, on the right. His nonchalance says it all. The muscely guy next to him is too obvious, desperate even. Casual guy, just knows he's the one.
hmm.. i think the middle one from the left..
the bos always in the middle.. ha..
These cats are like 100 deep.
the one with the O.D.B. armband..
For clarity, I'll repost my comment. O.o
The guy in front with the hat. The only one whose eyes you cannot see. =O
Ummm I'd have to say probably the guy squeezed in the back between the two guys in the middle and under the "W." He looks very in charge...
cool hat guy in the back, leftish...
you're gonna have to make a spread sheet to figure this all out. Makes me a little less jealous of your popularity. (total lie, I am mad jealous)
front right, crouched. Is that Method? Wether it is or not, in this photo it seems apparent that they are all powerful but he is "in charge." They certainly do present an image of a group not to be reckoned with. The front right crouched figure obviously has the respect of the others, though, not just the audience.
Orange jacket guy- second row, right of center
Towel dude!
protect ya gaddamn necks bitches
gold lame, front row- he's so in charge, he doesn't even need to look at you.
Love your blog! I just found it today!
I say the guy in front with the hat.
The symbol looming in the background- the "W" behind all.
bottom row right, with the bucket hat.
Good question. I always thought of them as a group of individuals rather than a pure group with a hierarchy. Each have their own solo projects on the side.
I`ll just say Meth, front right.
I say the guy with the towel in the back row.
it's, without a doubt, the guy in the way back (behind the W). he clearly makes the rules and does whatever he wants. definitely in charge here.
This is easy.....RZA is in charge!
Method man for sure.
The dude with the white towel around his neck (and around his head too?)
Ha ha ha, my friend, you have to tally this!!!!
(Get beer)
My vote is for the guy with the towel around his neck. Reason? He's not trying to look like he's in charge. People in charge never have to look in charge because they are in charge.
The dude in the front with the hat.
the front guy with the tan outfit
Meth is definitely not in charge.
Squatter in tan.
i say the squatter on the right
Satan himself, or one of his close minions is in charge here.
What kind of people can listen to such music? And what maked them differ from other rap-style bands?
RZA is in charge! I knew it!
Was just stopping by. I had to comment becuase you are worng. the RZA is the leader; not Method Man. RZa and GZA founded the group. Sorry kid. you need to step your rap game up.
Case Ministries, thanks for stopping by!
Forgive me for saying so, but you need to step your Who's In Charge Here? game up.
Please read the clarification of this blog's purpose.
I would say the RZA. He was the unspoken leader even if Method Man was the most poplular
In fact RZA was the true leader, creator and brainpower behind the Wu-Tang Clan. It was his knowledge of Kung-Fu cinema and Eastern Asian culture, that gave the Wu their name and persona.
Method Man was always just the most popular.
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