Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.

Genre: Kid Rock
Voting ends on: Monday, February 11th, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
Everyone / No One - 21 votes
Red - 21 votes
Blue - 102 votes
Yellow - 44 votes
Purple - 21 votes
I ended up combining different types of votes ("Captain Feathersword is in charge", "The kids are in charge", "The group's corporate overlords are in charge") into the Everyone / No One category.
Just as in the recent Wu-Tang Clan post, no member goes home voteless.
Maybe it was obvious to many who viewed the picture, but I didn't even think of a Star Trek connection related to the Wiggles' colored shirts (poor red, always the unlucky one to die!). I really enjoyed all the different rationale for voting. Thanks to everyone who participated.
So anyways, where were we?
Ah, yes.
Yellow made a valiant attempt, but it just wasn't enough for the confidence of Blue. Congrats to Blue! You're in charge!

1 – 200 of 236 Newer› Newest»The guy in the dark blue shirt, bottom right, is definitely the leader. He has the longest thumbs--or if they're not the longest, he is using the trait of malleability to make them APPEAR longer. This shows real leadership prowess--if you can't reward your subordinates with a convincing thumbs up, how will you inspire them to keep wiggling?
Listing the genre as "kid rock" confused me for a second. Kid Rock and "kid rock" are very different :-).
I vote for the guy in purple.
I'd say it's clearly the guy in red--though they all look like winners to me....
It should be illegal to be that happy. On second thought--in some states it might be already.
The guy in yellow is what the eye gets drawn to first, so he is definately "in charge" in the photo.
Blue. Totally the blue guy.
Can't be the one in purple - he is always asleep. His leadership and reign would be usurped while he was snoozing.
The guy in the blue shit is the one. coz he is the most prominent looking...
I say the guy in the yellow and the guy in the turquoise are locked in a constant power struggle.
The guy in the yellow likes to assume the leadership role but is undermined by the turquoise guy's passive-aggressive tantrums and sulks, leading to bitch-slaps, unkind remarks, and the occasional arm wrestle to assert authority.
You know it's true.
Guy in dark blue, bottom right, definitely. His smile is the - almost impossible with this pic - the widest. And...sincerest? A combination of both. Yup definitely dark blue guy.
I vote the dude with the pointy eyebrows in teal. He's the only one brave enough to stray from the primary colors, he must be the leader.
Also, if I were a kid, these guys would scare the hell out of me.
Bottom left, light blue shirt. only one with his mouth shut.
Definitely the guy in the blue shirt on the left. He just seems to be taking over the photo completely.
Blue shirt guy on the lower left, and he's probably got his hands full trying to supervise the other three. They look kind of moronic.
the guy bottom left is deifintely in charge - the others are just trying way too hard whereas he seems calmly in control. having sed that over-enthusiasm is kind of the nature of the Wiggle game so mayb the guy in blue isnt trying hard enough!
The guy in the Purple--lower right--he has eye contact, unlike the one in red, and he looks like he is saying something (the yellow and blue are just smiling).
if you know the wiggles at all you know that teal guy always WANTS to be in charge but clearly yellow is the only one with any "talent" so teal tries to make up for it with a bigger presence.
though i like him the least i'm voting for teal.
Based on the extreme inanity of this photograph, to say nothing of the bland and inherently (even insistently) apparent “harmlessness” of these people, it strikes me that the person in Charge here is some faceless entity who is, even now, secure behind the high, fine glass walls of some Corporate Office where the only sound that is audible above the whine and whir of the air-conditioning is the soft murmur of furtive hands counting out crisp, clean bills of many denominations.
One look at this gang of Yahoos speaks one word loud and clear: Pederasts!
They are all puppets dancing on the strings of evil Overlords who are burning the midnight oil to find new ways to exploit the silly and ignorant. Meanwhile, the “Wiggles” will remain together as a functioning “unit” so long as they are commercially viable. The minute their appeal wanes in the slightest, they will be replaced by the next hotchpotch gang of child abusers and drunkards who are trying to work off their latest load of “Community Service” by dancing around on stage and pretending not to notice just how short the shorts have actually gotten in the past few years. And the “Wiggles,” alas, will be forced to go back to stalking their Dark Lusts behind local Wal Marts and at neighborhood playgrounds.
It’s almost as ludicrous as Hip-Hop swearing that it’s a “reflection” of black culture.
Got to be yellow. Red is obviously shrinking away from yellows superiority over him. Purple looks like yellow just booted him in the ass and blue has that look of a narcissistic porn star ans everyone knows they can't be in charge of anything I mean look at Ron Jeremy. So my vote goes for Yellow
Do I have to look at Ron Jeremy?
I feel that Greg (yellow) is the leader on the show, but I'd put Anthony (blue) in charge cuz he's the hottest!
Oh God. I could kill you. I had to watch The Wiggles a few times with my nephew and I thought I was going to jam hot pokers in my eyes. Then Tim Finn showed up in one episosde. Basically, he saved my life.
I think it's that smackoff in the yellow shirt with the plastic hair.
The blue guy. Everyone else lacks legitimacy, lol. Btw, I've never seen the Wiggles before, so I'm going just by the photo.
beckeye, if you kill me, you'll never get to have Split Enz (or Squeeze, for that matter) featured here.
brandy, it's all about using the photo to discern the leader, so it's fine that you aren't otherwise familiar with them.
I'm going to go with guy in yellow.
Why can't an Asian ever be the leader! LOL!
No love for the dude in red? I can't stand this band's show, good god thinking of it makes me cringe.
I want the red guy to be in charge, maybe they would be different. So my vote goes for red dude
I am going to say either the guy in the yellow or the guy in the blue (bottom left). I am voting this way because they are the most "normal" looking. If I have to choose between one or the other, I will say bottom left, because he is more "normal" looking than the other.
Normal sounds weird after you say and write it a few times ... but I guess that is the case with any word.
Definitely light blue guy, lower left. See how the red guy contorts himself so as not to touch light blue guy's hair? Light blue guy HATES when people touch his hair. Purple guy touched light blue guy's hair once. ONCE.
Clearly the light blue shirt guy, for his casual confidence. Although if he were as intelligent as he looks, would he really be part of the Wiggles?
Based on picture only... Anthony in blue! He's physically closer to the camera than the two in the back, and a little higher than Jeff in purple, so that makes him appear more prominent.
Having watched the show, Greg (yellow) actually does the lead part for most songs, but Anthony's brother is one of the producers, so I think that helps with his placement in the publicity shots. Plus, he truly seems to enjoy the songs more than the other guys; he jumps a bit higher than the others, his dance steps are broader, etc.
Blue man. He's confident without overdoing it.
Definitely the Wiggle in the blue shirt, bottom left.
The yellow guy for sure!
Even though the Wiggles scare the heck out of me (would you want to do that when you grow up? Be happy for no reason?), it's definitely the light blue guy. He has the politician, shiny, I-practice-my-smile, smile.
Anthony (blue) is in charge. He smiles the smile of someone who has 'taken care of' Greg (yellow) and replaced him with an easily-manipulated former Wiggles backup dancer, keeps Jeff dosed with sleeping pills and ensures Murray is always hidden behind a guitar.
This is a FUn blog ... I vote for top Left guy he looks to have control of things... smiles
It's definitely the gun hand, on the left.
The others are loaded with blanks.
definitely the guy with the light blue shirt, his thumbs are closest to a ninety degree angle.
id have to say the guy in blue. hes smart tells people what to do. but i have a ? 4 u. why ask whoes in charge from the wiggles.
zeinab & nasrine, why not the Wiggles?
There is no one in charge. They are are equal in power and status. Kind of like the 4 muskateers. One for all and all for one.
Yellow. All band leaders have to wear yellow. It's in their contract!
I love this blog too much fun.
The comments get better and better
Definately the guy in Teal. He looking head on and confident, but relaxed. Like he knows his place, and it's on yop, baby!!
The oldest guy is the leader. The one in the light blue shirt. For sure.
Oh, I'm jaded by having actually seen their show and have to admit, yellow seems bossiest.
Light blue.
He has the look of a salesman, he does.
Also, no one can doubt that creepy smile.
Hi.. I'd choose the guy in light blue, bottom left. Looks confident and sure of himself!
I'm voting for the guy on the bottom left, sky blue shirt. His facial expression (to me) exudes masculinity and focus, unlike his brethren, which exhibit various forms of mental instability. At the same time, Sky Blue looks just a little worn out, most likely because controlling the other three is so mentally taxing, he can't help but reflect his fatigue.
Bottom Left guy
I think its the guy in the yellow
The guy in lighter blue bottom left... he looks more dignified, while still being way too happy.
Greg (the guy in yellow...and I know this only because of my younger siblings...) looks like he should be in charge. Watch the Wiggles...he's always the lead singer. But you see, Murray (red shirt guy) often tries to outdo Greg because of his mad guitar skills. This throws Greg off the edge, therefore lessening his chances of being a dictator to the Wiggles. Jeff (purple man) is always asleep and that would not sum up for a good organization. Anthony (blue guy) is emotional and eats, a lot. During the show the focus is often taken off of the Greg-Murray Conflict and onto Anthony eating sandwiches. Since obviously Greg and Murray both like attention, they try to steal the spotlight. Anthony gets angry about this, I am sure. For the few moments that Greg and Murray have time on screen, Anthony finds the dinosaur (I think her name is Rosie) and they eat flower petals, therefore refocusing on Anthony. Jeff is still asleep. So Greg and Murray agree to disagree and sing a song with Henry the Octopus, and/or Wags the Dog. As a matter of fact, Captain Feathersword (the pirate with the fuzzy sword) seems to be the most dominant male role in this TV show. Though he does not appear in this photo, I think Captain Feathersword is in charge. Always.
The guy in the light blue for sure. Well maybe not for sure, but that's just what i think!
The guy in the dark blue shirt appears most confident and seems to have the air for leadership.
lower left light blue. the others are hamming it up too much.
Oh my word, The Wiggles. Anthony the blue Wiggle is definitely the main man. Jeff the guy in purple, well, he's always asleep, Murray, the red Wiggle, he's too nice, Greg the yellow wiggle got sick and left. Blue Wiggle in charge for sure
Blue Shirt for sure!It can't be Jeff (in the purple)is always asleep!
I vote for Yellow shirt. I was leaning toward Blue shirt but decided Yellow has more power since he didn't have to crouch down. BTW, let me make clear that my son never liked the Wiggles, unless they were riding on their bus. (And then I think he only liked the bus.) Speaking of buses, try the Doodlebops next...
The guy in the pale blue looks concerningly like Tommy Sheridan, ex-leader of the Scottish Socialist Party. So I say there is no leader, they co-exist in perfectly balanced,egalitarian harmony (In a childrens entertainer sort of way)
they don't give the leader of the tour de france the yellow jersey for nothing...its clearly because of this wiggles tough guy. game, set, match, yellow shirt.
I am voting for teal, he is the first one that looked cool enough to be in chargr, the others all have an over excited looked about them.
You may live.
Because they're all holding the same pose, no one is in charge.
yellow shirt
Purple. Longest thumbs and most affected expression.
The color 'purple' stands for royalty, so he must be in charge.
The guy in red.
Why red will never be in charge:
I'm going for the guy in RED. Hummm Although you should never beam down in a red shirt :P
The one(s) in charge are not in the picture. I think you could say it would be the kids. The Wiggles know what they like and they produce it. Nuff said!
The guy in blue! He's the less idiot looking! (if we can say this cause they all look like idiots to me!)
yellow shirt
The yellow guy. He is who I noticed first.
they are all a bunch of dead beats
genre kid rock?more like claptrap.
get areal job you bunch of losers
Either Greg or Anthony, I mean yellow or blue. No wait, the blue. Please don't ask why I know their names! I have kids. 'Nuff said.
The guy in RED
the guy in yellow, I think.
I just wanted to know, how do you count all this up? there is 75 comments, all with the vote hidden in there somewhere, it must be a long task...
Bottom left. He appears all innocent but we know his game - don't let him fool you.
yash, it takes longer to count than it used to, but it's honestly still not that bad.
Clearly the guy in blue - the other guys are just trying too hard.
May I suggest you do the Teletubbies next?
The guy in the light blue shirt. Definitely.
(Oh I need to grow up.)
The guy in the yellow is clearly being overly fake and sarcastic in the little pointy finger routine. You can tell by the way his eyes are squinting. He's not in the mood for this crap today. He has some whiskey to sip, a leather bound chair to relax in, and a pleasing to look at but also very efficient secretary to dictate to. He's in charge.
Simple... us!. They're pointing to us after all.
The Yellow Guy is def. in charge here.It's soooo obvious.
I say it's their management that tells them where to play and what to say to the kids, when to bop and when to beep. It's either the mngmnt or the kids watching, but with these guys, I honestly don't think it's any one of them... just my thoughts... ;o)
Shine on!
The one in red thinks he's in charge, and his leaning away from the group betrays his sense of superiority, but the guy everybody listens to is the one in yellow.
As someone who knows nothing about the wiggles and is going on the photo alone, I'd say that the guy in charge here is the one in the pale blue shirt. He seems the most smug somehow.
This is a great game by the way! I'm glad it was featured in 'Blogs of note'!
good blog!! go on!!!
I watched the Wiggles (I can't believe I just admitted that), when the Yellow guy (Greg?) was in charge. He has since been replaced so I would have to vote for Anthony...I think he is the Red guy.
i happen to know for a fact that the guy in yellow is the leader. i have kids.
i also know all their first names - but that's not something i'm proud of.
dude in red..
because he seems to be the one making the biggest fool of himself.
Using the Star Trek model for shirt color, the guy in red will die first, the blues are science types so the yellow fellow is the most Kirk-like (shirt color only...) therefore he's in charge. And gets all the women.
I don't think anybody's in charge; they all look pretty crazy to me. :D
I think it is the guy in the red... even though he is in the back he is leaning forward to fill more of the picture and his hand is reaching the furthest out. My two cents!
The guy in red.
he is standing up and a little in front of the yellow guy. and he's wearing a power colour
the cheesy guy.
no wait, they're all pretty cheesy.
so i vote
The Light Blue Wiggle is the leader.
He creeps me out.
But then again, as Ian said, they're all pointing at us, so obviously we are in charge here, eh?
No,definitely the Light Blue Wiggle, bottom left.
The Guy in the blue shirt, left, looks like he could carry some form of responsibility....
The one in charge isn't on the picture.
Sadly the yellow guy is ill and has been replaced. I know the history of the band and know that three of them set up the band. The one who joined later, the purple guy however always looks like the leader in all their photos so he gets my vote
Actually, D - none of the above. Clearly, the kids (aka the fans) are the ones who are in charge. Seriously, without kids demanding the sappy and cheesy music from their parents, there would be no reason to Wiggle.
The Guy in lighter blue on the bottom left-he looks like the most mature of the four...pfft. Right, like anything about the Wiggles is mature. Geez, these guys drive me bonkers-in a bad way. But I must say, a very good choice for WICH. Makes you think.
definetly anthony, guy in the blue. he has direct eye contact with the camera
oh for godsake - WAKE UP JEFF!!
It's the Yellow Wiggle.
the guy in the yellow isnt in the band anymore so he loses by default (2 sweetest words in the english language)
the purple guy, jeff is always always asleep so he loses even though sleeping rocks
and therefore the red guy wins!!
shhh u didnt see the other guy he isnt there
red for the win!
The guy in blue in the lower left - he looks bossy.
does the vote still count if someone chooses a guy based on the actual show? i mean, some comments are going "not the guy who always sleeps" and "not the guy with the wicked guitar skills" etc etc - it is supposed to be strictly just about the photo right...?
My vote is on the bottom left corner in the blue. the runner up would be yellow.
Holy shite, you have 108 comments! I can't read through all of those! So I'm going to comment what I originally thought and just hope that one of those 108 people didn't already say this:
The really gay one's in charge. You know which one I mean, right?
I just went to their website (very disturbing) and I'm still sticking with the guy in yellow because he was the apparent spokesman for the group. Now if you will excuse me...I need to contact my mental health practitioner to schedule a session.
Light blue
The guy in the light blue shirt. He looks more serious, so if the other guys are dorking around too much and wasting precious "fun time for the kiddies," light blue-shirted-dude is going to get crabby and authoritarian. You can see it in his eyes.
loony moony wrote:
does the vote still count if someone chooses a guy based on the actual show? i mean, some comments are going "not the guy who always sleeps" and "not the guy with the wicked guitar skills" etc etc - it is supposed to be strictly just about the photo right...?
Yeah, it's about interpreting the photo, not picking the person that is in charge because you happen to know the band and its group dynamics.
I'm counting everyone's vote, regardless of their rationale, but ideally they are judging based on the photo.
fgg fgs dfgdf sfgfdg
light blue shirt, lower left. He's the only one looking at the camera, and he doesn't look entirely loony.
The guy in blue just seems to ooze confidence. There's also that sideways slant of the shoulder that lends him a slight cockiness.
yellow shirt, definitely. but i think the more pressing issue is: what is red shirt looking at? was there another camera present? did somebody forget to do the customary "1,2,3, cheese!"? this is what happens when we cut corners, people!
Unfortunately its the guy in the Yellow shirt, Greg.He's the lead singer which obviously makes him the leader.
I have a 5 year old and am far too versed on this bunch of Kangaroo Lovers.
I guess yellow because he's standing up and he definitely has the worst looking eyebrows. Don't all head bosses have bad eyebrows?!!
blue - your eye doesn't go to yellow and stay there - you stay at blue.
and as "Jeff" said, the purple guys is always asleep :)
and whoever you are - they all have talent - they are the only "kids" group I can listen to. And they are funny.
The guy in the yellow is standing the tallest, so I'd say he's the leader.
I vote for the guy on the bottom left...he's not making as cheesy a face as the others, definitely in charge, then.
Do you think this theory would work with some superhero groups like The X-Men, Fantastic 4, Legion Of Doom, Superfriends. Just a thought. Nice blog. I did enjoy it. If you ever want a movie review come by and check out my blog.
film scholar, I didn't really think about doing comic book stuff, as that's usually drawn by one person with a specific agenda in mind -- they choose the composition, etc.
I have entertained the idea of doing non-music posts, whether it be of acting troupes, politicians, etc. I actually got the idea for this blog looking at a train ad for a large comedy sketch group. I was trying to figure out who the leader was from the photo.
That being said, for the time being I'll probably stick with musicians -- there's no shortage of interesting publicity photos out there.
Thanks for stopping by.
It's got to be bottom left, lighter blue. The others are all making too much of an effort, while he's relaxed and confident in his leadership.
Great idea for a blog, by the way! I see there's been a bit of an increase in traffic the past few days....
No one is in charge. They all take turns being "tops".
And I mean that in an overtly homosexual context.
Bottom left, bottom left, he just looks like he "owns" the other three.
I'd have to say light blue shirt guy. No reason, just that I think he's it.
Yellow. Definitely.
Purple Wiggle, Jeff. He has the zaniest facial expression - clear mark of leadership. Plus the band cannot function without his leadership and direction - witness the desperation with which they implore him to "Wake up Jeff!". They are lost without him.
the guy in the red clearly is distracted. He's probably checking out some detail, thus making him the leader.
My vote is bottom left, light blue shirt. Don't look as goofy as the others.
confident, close-mouthed lower left.
Bottom left.
We'll see him later under the headline "Serial killer nabbed".
I go with the guy in the light blue, teal(?) bottom left. In my opinion he is the only normal person, at least by appearance, in this photo. Bottom right looks like a deer in headlights; yellowman looks like he took one to many hits off the bong and redman, well he looks outright uncomfortable.
Light blue.
the one on the lower left corner!
Light blue shirt, bottom left
the guy in the yellow shirt. we all know that
i dont know but four is a unlucky number id say induct a squirrel as your fifth member and make him the leader
Top left and bottom right look like simpletons. The bottom left is trying to hard to be cool. The top right guy has nothing to prove, so he is the boss.
Light Blue shirt looks the least stupid, he is the leader (or the band is in trouble!)
I'm voting for the guy in yellow, he seems the most relaxed and the most natural.
I agree with just one girl...its totally Captain Feathersword! He is the only one that consistently gets what he wants. Plus, he's a pirate. Pirates are always in charge!
you know Wiggles is great to watch stoned. LOVED the blog man! =]
The dude in red
DEFINITELY bottom left blue. He is the only one anyone would possibly take seriously!!!
LIGHT blue.
Anthony (turquoise, lower left) is definitely in charge! Long thumbs, direct and intense gaze at the camera...and the big teeth...
guy in red.
I think the guy in the lower left looks like the leader. His "thumbs up" gesture appears confident in a forceful kind of way. He's more serious than the others, as befitting a leader who has the weight of the world on his mind!
Greg is the leader. Duh
blue shirt
Call me weird but the guy in the red shirt! I scrolled down to 20 comments and that man was brutally overlooked. So, the guy in the red shirt. Eh... but to be completely honest it has to be the man with the light blue shirt, bottom left (right in front of the red shirt person)has charisma that grabs your by the head and makes you look at him. Ack!! I'm sticking with RED SHIRT.
I agree with some, that the yellow shirt guy and the blue shirt guy are locked in a power sturggle. You can see the blue shirt guy has gray hair, so the yellow shirt guy is trying to take over becuase the blue shirt guy is getting old.
But that's just me!
Red shirt.
He's got more on his mind than the other 3, which is why he is distracted, and looking slightly off-screen. Someone "out there" is doing something wrong, and as soon as the picture is taken, he's going to go deal with them.
The bottom left man with his mouth closed, because....he's withholding, he has withdrawn hinself from the melee and is trying to retain his self in this nihilistic attempt to present a front of entertainment. Perhaps he has bad teeth, really.
The light blue one on the left. His is the only face that i can remember. I guess his thick eyebrows makes me focus on his eyes more than the rest of the lot. If i had a choice, i'd say none of them look like leaders, they just look surprised
Top-right yella guy.
Red. it's the aggressive color.
Red = alpha male.
the guy dressed in red! ;)
The guy on the bottom left.
The red guy looks like a leader...? Interesting post!
Raise Awareness.Raise Funds.
The guy at the lower left in blue. He seems "real". The others are trying too hard.
bottom left, blue shirt guy is the lead. You have a lot of votes for purple, but he's the newest member and certainly could not have taken power this quickly. Yellow, the weakest of all colors, most defintely is not in charge and red, though he threatens anger and angst, falls short. I vote BLUE!
I vote for the guy on the bottom left. I agree with the person who says that he's the only one with his mouth closed. He's so cool and confident. BTW, who are these people?
If this were Star Trek, the yellow shirt would be in charge and the red shirt would be dead ten minutes after the opening credits.
Since the group's domain name implies that the Wiggles are Australian, and since yellow is the colour most associated with Australia, that also points to the yellow shirt being in charge, so I vote yellow.
Bottom left (lighter blue shirt). He looks the most confident.
blue wiggle!
The bottom-left guy, definately.
Gotta be the guy in the blue..
Whoa. That's intense.
The guy in the light blue shirt on the bottom left hand corner.
Turquoise bottom left
Why don't you just set up a poll? Wouldn't that be eaiser for your voters?
yellow, there's just something about him. charisma? oh i know, child-friendly-ness.
The Family Beckwith, that's not a bad idea, but I really like that people make their vote via a comment -- a mechanism they can also use to discuss why they made their choice, interact with other people making comments, even make a snarky or interesting observation that doesn't necessarily relate to the power dynamic of the picture.
If you can recommend a better way to tally votes but also allow a space for comments for each voter, I'm open to suggestions.
This just seemed the most straightforward way of doing it to me.
I would hafta say the guy in the light blue shirt, lower left. His smile looks the least genuine. As though he can't wait to to get the others away from him, and only a leader can get away with that.
Unfortunately, I know that the guy in the yellow shirt, Greg, is the actual founder or came up with the Wiggles idea. And he likes to sing all the leads in the songs, even though is voice is lacking somewhat in style and substance. The guy in purple (Jeff) cannot be in charge, as he is the comic character who "falls asleep" all the time. Murray - the guitar hero - is a bit too flighty to be the leader although he may be the only Wiggle with actual musical talent. And Anthony, the blue shirted Wiggle, while the best looking of the bunch, is relegated to comedic sidekick roles, the Ethel to Greg's Lucy, while he waits for Greg to retire or expire.
Frankly, I think Captain Feathersword is more of a leader.
Bottom left, in the lighter blue shirt.
Definitely the yellow guy - the colour really draws your eye, which causes you to notice that he's standing above the rest of them. He's clearly the one in charge!
Judging that I have seen the show before (kid sister) the guy in the yellow shirt always has the most lines in a song. And in the show he is foucused on more.
I vote the guy in red
The guy in the yellow is the leader
The guy in blue on bottom left, my eye is drawn to him
The guy in the blue. Every one of the other guys looks like he's fake smiling (and trying too hard)...the "blue guy" looks totally natural. Take what you want from that!
none of them...Greggy isn't in the band anymore
The guy on the lower left is the leader because he is to the front of the other two and higher up than the other guy in front.
God, I would hope and assume none. This is the tragic result of a producer trying to make something out of nothing. That being said, the guy in Yellow stands out more.
YOu should try the Pogues.
The guy in the blue shirt lower left, because his eyebrows are not as high as everybody else. It's all about the eyebrows.
Obviously there's a conspiracy to exclude the gun finger from the debate.
Gun Finger is the new Kucinich.
You have it all wrong. No one in the picture. Definitely not the kids. Not the parents. Not the management. No, it's the super-weird parasite that somehow infected these guys. It's the type of parasite that infects your brain and throws off the firing of your neurons. That explains the goofy smiles, unbalanced postures (the guy in red exemplifies this quite well), the inability to bend their thumbs, the bad fashion sense, etc. Yes, it's a parasite infection. I hope the doctors realize these guys need to be quarantined before we all get infected!!
It's really hard to tell, but the guy in the light blue shirt bottom left, I suppose. They remind me of characters out of the old Star Trek series with Captain Kirk and Spock.
Light blue lower left. He looks the most normal. You can't be goofy and be the leader.
JustMeriMaat, thank you for the warning. I will now stock up on canned peaches and ammo.
Teal. For sure.
Red isn't making eye contact. Blue looks shifty, like he's surprised he's even in the picture and Yellow looks like he got his booty sqeezed by the make up girl.
Teal looks confident, at ease and ready for what's coming.
The guy in blue
Definitely the guy in blue. How can you NOT see that?
I always assumed the one in the yellow was the leader (Greg?). After watching the show many times with my son this is my verdict. Cant really say why, but it is.
The blue bloke is the leader. He looks ever so slightly more normal than the other three - like he is not trying as hard as they are.
there is no individual leader. only a common psychological disorder. a compulsion to enter children's homes and frighten the living hell out of them.
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