Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.

Genre: Devo!
Voting ends on: Monday, March 3rd, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
Everyone / No One - 5 votes
P Straight Ahead - 13 votes
Far Left Girl Looking Right - 6 votes
Far Right Guy Looking Left - 2 votes
Tiny Girl In Front - 8 votes
The Tiny Girl In Front with the deadly mirrored stare gave him a run for his yen, but P Straight Ahead is still in charge. Congrats, Mr. P!

obviously, the sun. what else could possess them to wear those strange, strange sunglasses?
Brownian Motion
obviosly, the second guy counting from left, whose P and whose shades are mot clearly visible.
Gentleman second from the left. His squared shoulders facing dead center signify that he's not afraid of adversity.
Forward-Looking Guy is in charge.
I'm going dark sheep here and voting for far-right shadowy guy, who is clearly too cool for school and, because he is confident with his place in the universe, doesn't even need to look at the camera.
Devo is in charge. The corresponding members of Devo each implanted a chip in the "P" on the Polysics chemical suits. Devo then transmits signals from their red "Flowerpot" hats back at Devo World Headquarters to control everything. Sad story, really.
Middle Left for sure!
The chick in the front is way too young to be the leader, she must be someones lil'sis that begged and begged till she she was let in the band. so my vote is for the Big Sister in the back left!
jared x's devo-in-charge theory is probably true. but whoever's in charge of devo is directly in charge of the guy second from left, so i vote for him.
I have to go with the guy on the left
The one looking forward, second from the right.
a said: 'The one looking forward, second from the right.'
The one that looks like Christian from Project Runway.
That hair is fierce!.
You've got no idea which one I mean do you? Well, use my vote to break a tie, I guess
jess, against my better judgment, I searched for and found a picture of Christian from Project Runway.
I'm still not sure which Polysic you are referring to, as I think at least 50% of Polysics have his(?) haircut.
Guy in the front left is in charge.
Odd. I guess I'll go for the guy second from left, because his hair is the highest.
Forward-facing guy is in charge. The other three are his bodyguard minions who constantly surround him, on the lookout for anyone encroaching on his personal space, ready to incinerate them with their laser-beam eye gear.
The guy on the right is a little Ron Woodish...he's just along for the ride, happy to have a paying gig. Lips there on the right: No. Pretty boy can barely run his hair. It's front and center girl. It looks like she has the patience and logic of a deer tick, and that's what you need when you are in charge.
2nd from the left. He-she-it is the only one looking strongly into the camera. H/S/I demands your attention.
Second from the left, it has to be.
The girl on the far left has that whole Mona Lisa smile thing going on--she knows more than she's letting on. I say she's in charge.
It's got to be forward facing dude. Not only is he the tallest, it kind of looks like he stood there first and the rest of them arranged themselves around him.
And does the tiny one in front have a side 80s ponytail working for her? Yikes.
I'd say the girl in front. She sort of has this self-assured, all-these-guys-are-here-for-me-and-I-love-it look.
I'm going to have to side with the executive sous chef on this one. Guy second from the left has that 1,000 yard stare thing going on like he just took Hill 364 in Khe Sanh. Front and center girl is dialed in and her body language exudes an unbridled enthusiasm and a confidence I haven't seen since my dad negotiated his last car deal after having 3 white russians. True story.
In case that was confusing, I voted for front and center girl.
The one in orange
The young woman facing the camera is the leader. She is the only person on which both the P and the Polysic badges are visable; therefore she is the leader.
Oh man, another one with a single chick in the band? I'm going with the chick. See, for the last band, I fell for the over-think of "no way, that chick's too young and goofy, she's just a girlfriend keyboard player" -- not this time, my friend. I pick the chick!
The girl looking one on the far left. She's got just the slightest of smirks.
dguzman- Your plan may be backfiring again. We all seem to believe there at two chicks in this band.
Yeah, I thought it was even 50/50 gender split with this band.
i thought droids were androgynous.
girl on the far left she's so over bossing everyone around so she's like whatever dude
I vote for the Japanese person. They're always in charge.
girl in front
dude second from left. physically imposing, shoulders square to the camera. he's the most eye-catching initially.
Hiroyuki Hayashi : the guy in the front :P hows that?
Definitely 2nd from the left. Gotta be the lead singer.
Second dude from the left. Definitely.
Well I seem to be missing it quite regularly now....but I think the second from the left guy, more light falling on his orange suit and although he is confined to baring his chest at us I feel sure he wishes to dominate in more complete ways really.
There, now he's bound to lose.
The guy on the far right. He's already moved on th whatever's next.
TYPICAL! I pick the chick and it's not her! Damn you, Splotchy, damn you to hell!
or just damn these crazy bands. You can stay here.
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