Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
Click on pic for larger image

Genre: Emo
Voting ends on: Monday, March 10th, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
The Confused Guy In Green - 0 votes
Blue Shirt High Guy - 18 votes
Twiggy Legs Bench Hogger - 20 votes
Plaid Shirt - 1 vote
I have to admit, I was surprised by this vote. I would have thought Blue Shirt guy would have won on his earnest deer-in-the-headlights gaze alone. But, I honestly didn't notice how much bench Twiggy Legs was taking up until that fact was pointed out by the voters.
What an inconsiderate cad! Still, the cad is in charge. The bench is yours, Twiggy Legs.
Click on pic for larger image

sittin up high guy
pretty clearly the guy who needs the entire bench to himself.
Plaid shirt guy is the idea man, but Mr. white shirt has all the power.
The guy in the white shirt thinks he's in charge, but the little guy sitting up high is the true puppet-master.
Third guy in, with the white shirt. It's his brains that pays the bills, so he gets as much bench as he wants, dammit.
The guy in the green on left says 'it's like' too much, and when he's drunk or stoned he can't even say what it's like. It's just 'it's's like..' with that stupid giggle. Guy on the right is good at rolling joints. Crackers there, sitting on back of chair, is way to twitchy. The only thing that calms him down is rising shotguns delivered calmly with amusement by the leader: Brown shorts and legs. Yes, he's the one that could have gone to college, and he's in charge.
I was initially going to say the 'check out my package' white shirt guy is in charge, but I think it's actually plaid shirt guy on the right. He looks like he's bored with all these jokers he's managed to form into a band, and is about to move on with people who don't resemble a flasher, a heroin addict and a rudely-posed mannequin in publicity shots.
that second guy counting from left.
the guy sitting above the rest
(Is the guy sitting up high on the bench in the blue shirt attempting to make some sort of gang symbol with his left hand? Just wondering...)
Here's what I think: Blue shirt guy orchestrated this photo op as a metaphor. Everyone but him is "on the bench" and he's the only real "playuh."
Open-Legs Jones. (But it's his penis who's really in charge.)
Gentleman in the white shirt. He's trying to push everyone else off the bench with his twiggy legs.
Elizabeth, if I ever try to enter the world of male modeling, I am going to use the name "Twiggy Legs".
Twiggy legs is in charge. He has a Brooklyn "Snap the picture aready, I got your publicity photo RIGHT HERE" look about him.
The guy in the blue shirt second from left.
FOr more voting fun, check out my new blog:
I think open legs guys package is in charge. Legs wants to close them but his mighty phallus has taken over his mind and forcing him to sit spread eagal.
Definitely the guy in the white shirt and shorts - he owns that bench!
White T-shirt . . . looks like the big brother. He's in charge.
Blue shirt posted up on the back of the bench. He is so cool he doesn't have to sit in the seat.
Guy in the white shirt
second from the right
Legs Wide Open is in charge
Second guy from the left gets my vote! Why else would he be sitting above every one else? And that hair! The guy in shorts and tee-shirt is clearly the drummer, and I disagree that he has all the power. He simply gets all the trim.
Open legs guy. That's the way my big brother sat in the backseat of our '73 Woodside Chrysler station wagon even though there were three others of us back there with him.
And he was definately in charge. Would you like to see my noogie and facewash scars?
Captain Wide Stance is merely a drummer. Hence the shorts. Drummers are very rarely the leader. (My apologies to Phil Collins).
I agree that it is the tiny man sitting above the others. Even the name "We're Not Superheroes Anymore" implies that he is the leader. If they are not superheroes, then they are villains. He is the evil mastermind and he surrounds himself with the muscle.
McGone, not to detract from your excellent analysis, but I do believe they could no longer be superheroes for another reason -- don't forget the saga of Superman II, where Superman (temporarily) lost his powers.
leaning back
the guy in the blue shirt by default. he looks slightly more lucid than the others - only slightly.
I think it's the blue shirt guy. He's grown accustomed to everyone thinking that white shirt drummer is in charge, and is trying to look "assertive".
the two in the middle.
do we get to find out the answer? haha
open legged guy with white sneakers ... the sneakers are a dead giveaway
I had a think. Then I thought, it's not just the super open posture with crotch to the fore that is telling me his intent to....lead, but also the fixed challenging look and the leaning back bit.
He really is in charge, and waddyawannamakeovit?
When were these Gen-Y jerkoffs EVER superheroes? Buncha damned wastoids!
OOPS--sorry, I was channeling my inner cranky-old-man. I'll go with mousy guy in the blue jeans. He's clearly the most tortured and angst-ridden.
the guy sitting above wants desperately to be the leader, but the bench guy taking up all the space is the true leader. and he wont let the above guy forget it.
The guy in the white dominates the picture. It looks like he sat down and everyone else arranged themselves around him.
So he's in charge.
However, the guy in the blue, from his need to sit one step above all the other guys, is the one who REALLY runs the show. He's the master manipulator, no doubt.
Guy in the blue long sleeve oxford shirt.
sittin up high guy is in charge here.
White t-shirt guy, who thinks he needs to spread his legs wide to make room for his big dick, _wishes_ he was in charge. If white t-shirt really _was_ in charge, he wouldn't be wouldn't be trying so hard.
Suggestion to WICH?: You could try some band photos from older days (Grunge days? 70s funk bands? Doo wop?). The signifiers of band leadership might be different (or the same). Also, there's no need to reveal the band name until voting is over.
sing_o_muse, thanks for your suggestions!
Thus far, I have featured recent bands more than bands of yore, but I do dip into the past every so often -- The Meters, King Crimson, Steel Pulse, Flying Burrito Brothers, etc. I will try to expand into some more genres, though -- I like your doo wop suggestion, hadn't thought of that genre yet.
I don't know about keeping the band's name a secret -- I'm not really trying to have people take a quiz and then I tell them the answer (though I am not sure that's the point you were heading towards). Plus, I like having the name as the title of the post.
I am going to say the guy sitting with the really long legs. He seems to be taking up the whole bench and making his presence quite clear.
I'm going with oxford blue. It's all about tha hair!
He looks like an asshole.
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