Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.

Genre: Folky Rock
Voting ends on: Monday, March 24th, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
Everyone / No One: 3 votes
Left: 11 votes
Right: 14 votes
Wall: 3 votes
There were enough votes for the wall that I felt it deserved a chance to win, and not just get rolled into the "Everyone / No One" category.
As far as the overall power dynamics of the photo, I was kind of thinking along the lines of The Imaginary Reviewer. The guy on the right looked like he was ready to fall out of the picture to me. Maybe the picture was shot with a fisheye lens and he was a little distorted. I don't know.
However, I wouldn't presume to have a handle on the power dynamics of this band using my powers of observation on this picture. I am often surprised by the verdict of posts on WICH, and am often convinced the majority rule was the right call, even when I didn't see the same leader when voting started.
So, congratulations to the dude on the right! You're in charge!

guy on the right knows how to dress himself.
guy on the right looks more dominating
guy on the right. It's the slight eyebrow raise that convinces me.
Nonsense... it's long-haired indie guy on the left. He gave the duo credibility in the coffeeshops where they first played because of his unwashed locks, and from there he naturally became The Leader.
I agree with mcgone. Plus, research has shown that taller people are much more likely to be in leadership roles than shorter people. Height makes might!
The guy on the right thinks that he's in charge, but it's the guy on the left who really makes the decisions.
I'm going with the wall, it's something about the shinny metal.
Oh damn, I think I might actually know this one but they look different than they did in the last pic I saw of them. I think it's the guy on the right.
Whoever it is, I dig-a their music.
I'd say the wall. Neither guy looks like they would make any type of leader. The wall for sure.
Sure, blondy's taller, but he's just the face of the group. Short guy is clearly the brains of the operation, pulling the strings on blondy.
Guy on the right.
I concur with the guy on the right being in charge, it's the raised eyebrow and the clincher is the rule of guinea pig lore....whoever gets their chin higher is the leader. Mr Right.
The guy on the right
They both look pretty miserable, to be honest. But I vote the guy on the right, because the idiot on the left can't even part his hair correctly, not to mention lead a band.
I vote for the taller guy on the left. Simply because I can. And now I'm gonna go check their music out!
They both look a bit lost, and the picture is composed to purposely make them look small and insignificant. The person taking the picture is in charge.
P.S. Lol at j dog and a jaded girl - wall was my first thought too :)
The guy with the long hair
guy on right: practical, assured.
guy on left: soulful, artistic.
im going for the guy on the left on the basis of his soulful, artistic hair. practicals are but session musicians without soulful artists to bounce off.
A toughie.
Do we go with the Simon and Garfunkel dynamic where the short dark guy is the leader? Or do we go with the Haulin' Oats dynamic where the taller blonde guy is the leader?
I think it's the third guy who didn't show up for the photo because he wasn't feeling enough angst that day. (There seems to be alot of space left over in the photo that they were reserving for him. Or her.)
The tall one. Mainly 'cause he reminds me of that guy from Boy Meets World, and that guy always had creative spirit.
This dude is in charge because he's the heart and soul of the creative process.
Either that, or his friend just really needs him around. Any way you look at it, the tall man wins.
Guy on the left. The long hair gives it away.
The guy on the left looks like he set the camera up on a table, ran to get in the picture, waited a few seconds, got impatient, was just about to walk back and see if the timer was set correctly, and then the picture snapped.
The guy on the right is in charge because he didn't have to set up the camera.
Oh, I was all settled and going to use the Simon and Garfunkle comparison until Jess screwed me up and threw in the Hall and Oats thing. Let me look again.....
Nah, that tall guy can't groove, he don't have the soul, his hair's too flat....oh wait, Garfunkle had bigger hair than Daryl Hall...let me look again.....
Nah, he has hair of this guy Brian who used to buy us kids beer and lived with his parents.
Right guy is in charge.
The guy on the right's in charge. Blondie's chick bait.
Who's in charge? Whatever management flunkie decided they would look good in front of a garage door.
I don't know why, but the guy on the right looks a little...wobbly. Or something. It's hard to explain. It could be a combination of the horizontal lines behind them and the angle of his head, but he looks like he's about to pop out of existence for me. So I choose the far more corporeal Guy on the Left.
I am with Sara C, the guy on the left is truly in charge even though the guy on the right thinks he is...
I too say the louvered wall behind them is in charge.
The dude on the left looks like he is trying to NOT wet his pants. Definitely the one on the right is the boss.
Left for sure. He has that "Come hither" look and just wants you to really listen to the music.
Whereas the other guys face says "Make my day"
the short guy is in charge. he looks so sure of himself.
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