Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
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Genre: Flamenco Hip Hop
Voting ends on: Monday, March 17th, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
Burnt Sienna Soulpatch - 16 votes
Bongos Seated - 9 votes
Upright Bass - 1 vote
Green Boa Woman - 10 votes
Black Shirt Guitar - 1 vote
Vest And Hat In The Back - 1 vote
I'm afraid I'll have to agree with Jeff on this one. I would have voted for the woman, as to not get my ass kicked. All I'm saying is, don't come running to me when she whips that green boa at you.
Violence or no violence, let's all congratulate Mr. Soulpatch. You're in charge!
Click on pic for larger image

Chicks rule! It's all in the boa. ;)
The guy sitting down. He has a vastly superior air and the position of the others around him tells me that if I take a step closer to their Don I'll get a cap in my ass.
The girl front right. Make her the leader or she will KICK YOUR *SS!!!
Brown Coat rocking the Soul Patch... the eye is automatically drawn to him once you get past the woman, who - I'm sorry - is merely window dressing.
Wow, I was tempting to choose the guy sitting down but since when does any group allow the bongo player to have any power? therefore I have to go with the guy in the reddish jacket and hat.
These guys live for danger--just look at the size of all those cactuses (I know, I know, it's supposted to be cacti, but I like the sound of cactuses better).
So, did the chick start the band so she'd have a place to show off her kick-ass flamenco dancing skills or did one of the guys start the band so he had an excuse to have his own personal flamenco dancer? I think that question gets right to the heart of the issue here.
I'm going to go with red jacket guy. The guys with instruments are holding them all too lovingly--they are clearly in it for the music (except for the guy playing the upright bass--he's in it for la musica y la cervesa). The vest-wearing guy in the back without an instrument--I'm not sure he's in the band at all, probably just a roadie or some hitchhiker they picked up on their way to the photo shoot who snuck in amongst the cactuses while the photographer was counting to three.
Red jacket is in charge. He does most of the singing so he's up front where he has the best view of the dancing.
hat guy in the red jacket 'don't need no stinkin instrument' because he is da man. Flamenco dancer chick belongs to him and he allows her to fulfill her fantasies of parading around on stage.
guitaristas appear to be pretty disposable among this group.
Jillian appears to have a pretty good read on these peeps.
All those men and one woman? She's definitely the one in charge!
To clarify and stay consistent, when I said "brown coat," I referred of course to what others are calling "red jacket." It's really in the "Burnt Sienna" range, so we are all right.
With warmest/obsessive regards,
Thanks for the clarification, McGone.
The answer is right in the name of the band. 'Ojos' = eyes; 'de' = of; 'brujo' means folk magician or wizard.
The burnt sienna jacket and black hat are perfect hiding places for the implements of black magic, so he's in charge.
It absolutely can't be the woman. If she were in charge, the band name would be feminized to "Ojos de Bruja." The guy in the back with the black vest looks like the one who stands off to the side in live shows and tells bar patrons that "no, Ojos de Brujo will not play 'Black Magic Woman' this evening. Have another mojito and don't ask again."
Burnt sienna guy.
Totally the guy in the rusty-brown suede jacket. He's got no instrument, so he must be the leader/lead singer--although I wasn't aware that flamenco music usually had singing in it.
I'm guessing that gypsy lady is just window-dressing.
the girl. large and in charge.
i'll give the seated percussionist my vote, based only on seniority (or should i say, "seƱority")?
Im going with the seated bongo player in the middle. He looks like a little like Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show and as far as Im concerned all things Rocky Horror are always in charged.
(im a little obsessed with the rocky horror picture show)
Oddly enough, my eye was NOT immediately drawn to the jacketed fellow. The man in the dark shirt w/ the guitar on the right caught my eye first. I was going to pick him, but the more I analyzed the photo, the more I considered the goatee'd guy in the rust/red/burnt sienna/clay/chili jacket. After reading what my fellow voters had to say, my vote goes to Senor Chaqueta. (jacket guy.)
Whoa! This is a tough one. I'm going to have to print this out and hang it in my cubicle for a few days. If I don't get back just put me down for brunt sienna jacket guy, only because he looks like a line cook I once worked with. Sorry, but this is just too much for me today. Rough weekend with the egg white omelets.
Seated bongo man. He is in charge.
This time it is NOT the chick. It's definitely Soul Patch-o Villa.
Black shirted guitar player in the foreground. He has that "I'm the shit" look.
Black hat, rust-coloured coat guy is in charge. His stance and pose just say, "Oh yes, I am the puppet-master."
Girl couldn't possibly be in charge - why would anyone willingly choose to wear that awful ensemble??
guy on the left with the bass. biggest instrument = guy in charge.
Guy in the back with the hat
well I'm a belly dancer and flaminco is the closing form to belly dancing so I have to with the chick because I know what she can do to make all those men follow her
orange leather jacket guy
The dude in the long brown coat. He has an air of superiority about him.
It would be the red coat/soul patch dude, except for his hands. The fig-leaf pose does not scream confidence or authority. The seated bongo guy is in charge. It's his eyes...a kind of Travis Bickle "you talkin' to me?" vibe.
the seniorita
Long Red Jacket
Red jacket man.
So sinister...with that sculpted beard. o.O
I see the raised jaw of seated bongo chap, and the way he regards me from the corner of his eye, and I say.....he is in charge, will the rest of this riff raff stop fawning and bring him another drink?
I'm going to go with the guy in the UGLY burnt sienna coat.
The guy in the red jacket.
But the chick is the soul
The girl
the guy with the white hair in the middle. although the woman thinks she is in charge.
I was tempted to go with red jacket guy, but I definitely feel the guy sitting down has a David Carradine air to him. Sitting down guy gets my vote.
It has to be orange-jacket-hat-guy. The chick is, well, probably a chick-singer and someones' girlfriend, and longhair-guy-sitting-down-at-bongos is clearly the drummer.
The Woman
I am going to say the woman. She looks like she will take no prisoners!
I agree with lulubelle...the red/sienna jacket guy looks a bit defensive and nervous, like he doesn't want to be in the front of the photo - I reckon the leader is the guy sitting down, playing the bongo drums.
My vote goes to the woman. With that many men around the woman is bound to be in charge.
I'm going to throw in a vote for the dude with the bongo, simply because I can.
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