Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
Click on pic for a larger image

Genre: Indie-ish
Voting ends on: Monday, February 18th, 9:00am CST (GMT-6)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
Stoic On The Left - 5 votes
Furry Hood - 36 votes
Pabst Blue Ribbon - 8 votes
Mr. Glasses - 35 votes
Wow, this was an incredibly tight race! I was afraid I was going to have to call the sitting Vice President of the United States in to break the tie (witness his handiwork on The Twang).
However, in the last few hours Furry Hood got one more vote. Congratulations, Furry Hood! You're in charge!
Click on pic for a larger image

Hmm...first to comment on the famous Who's In Charge Here blog. Wowee :).
I think in this case, the rather unhappy-looking bloke at the far right is in charge. He's been trying to get these other wankers to get serious about the band for some time now, but they just want to goof off and have fun.
I vote for blondie, lurking in the back.
He's got that self-assured look on his face. He KNOWS.
I would have to say the guy on the far right is the leader. The guy on the left looks like someone the band got to fill in for another member but they never got round to replacing. The bald guy at the back has to be the drummer (being a: bald and b: at the back), and the guy with the hood and the sly grin looks like a guitarist who is about to embark upon a solo project. His whole look screams 'don't associate me with these guys!'.
So the guy on the right, then, has that 'Oh, those boys of mine' look to him.
Parka Pete is obviously trying to steal the spotlight, but the leader must be indie nerd-boy on the right. "Spanish For 100" sounds like something that was picked up watching Jeopardy! and indie nerd-boy looks like the only one of these guys who would dig that show.
The guy on the far right. He's the only one attempting to be serious by a) not attempting to smile AT ALL and b) dressing "professionally". He's tryin' to make 'Spanish for 100' big, but dang! Look what he's got to work with!
The gentleman in the glasses. I've heard those folks tend to be smarter. ;)
Far right.
I'd say the lemon faced unhappy, non smiling dude in the far right. He looks like he's trying to convey a professional look
Definitely the dude with the glasses, but he'd be wise to keep an eye on the guy in the Pabst Blue Ribbon shirt. He looks like he might be plotting a coup.
the guy on the left
It's the guy on the left.
The guy on the right looks like the type who's only in the band because he had the nicest garage, then they can't get rid of him. He tries to throw some muscle around but they don't need his garage anymore so they tend to just line up behind him and make faces. Witness the guy in the fuzzy hood.
Definitely the guy on the left.
I seem to be the only one that thinks the dude in the hood is the leader. He ha a big goofy smile like, "Damn straight, I am the man." Not that it is going to take much work to be "the man" with that group. I'm sorry, that wasn't nice.
I'm going for the guy on the right. He doesn't look as grateful to be there, and shows little regard for his band-mates.
I vote for the serious man in the suite with glasses on the right. He looks very serious and that he would run the "business" end of the band. The other men, though all nice looking, do tend to appear like they are having a good time and not worrying about their future to much, all of this is because they have the 1 serious member who will take care of it for them.
I'm going for the guy at the far right. He looks like he is kind of the brains of the group, the one who's got it all together even with these people being in his band.
I am torn between the guy in the middle right and the guy on the far left. The guy on the left as a kind of quite control to him, but middle right has a confident look on his face that just shouts: "I like to kid these guys that they are in charge" I think it going to be... the guy on the left.
Emo Harry Potter on the right. I was almost fooled by the hooded jokester, but he just desperately needs the attention the leader won't let him receive.
The guy in the parka. Any guy who wears a parka means business! I got inspiration for a blog of my own from visiting this blog. Feel free to check it out.
I say its the guy with the glasses also. Although Parka Pete almost had me fooled also. But I think he's doing it just to get the attention.
I'm going to go with the freak in the ugly parka.
furry hood wants to be but i'm voting for the guy in the front right.
I want to say the character on the far right with the serious face. If not him then the guy in the middle with the hood up.
It's definitely the guy in the parka. He's looking the most self-assured and looks like an in-charge guy.
Clearly, Far Right is your man. Pabst Blue Ribbon is clearly a drummer. No leader would be wearing a Hood, unless he's in the Klan. That leaves Far Left, a loser if I ever saw one.
The guy with the anorak is in charge - the fur-lined hood takes the place of the silverback abong gorillas, or the largest tasks among elephants. And he's smiling.
Whoops - tusks, obviously. :)
it's almost a toss-up between mr.left & mr.glasses. i'd guess mr.glasses is in charge, who was childhood friends with mr.left. (parka boy is probably the lead singer and mr.glasses kid brother. blondie in back is definitely the drummer.)
I think it is the second from the right - the bald guy with the goatee. He does not have to prove anything, because he is in control.
I believe that the unhappy looking guy on the right with the glasses would definitely have to be in charge of this group!
Easy - guy in glasses and all black. Looks too serious so he's gotta be the man.
The one on the very far right looks like he knows how to take charge and isn't afraid to do it!
man with furry hat.
Guy on the far right with the solemn face.
I'd say the guy on the right, since he's closest. Failing that, the guy in the feathery hooded coat. He has a smirk on his face.
The dude with the furry hooded coat.
I'm goin' with mr. parka.
I'm goin with hoodie guy. He's got the whole evil overlord collar thing down.
I'm going with our maned king of the parka, but we all really know it is the guy on the left who keeps the show rolling. (Ya'll, the guy on the right is just about to quit the band.)
The guy with the hood. He stands out way to much to not my the one in charge
It's my first vote. Let's make it count, people.
I'm voting for the guy in the fur-trimmed hoodie.
(Actually, even if he's not the leader, he's definitely the loudest—based on photos on their website too.)
So the guy on the right has the whole, "I'm so depressed because my cat ran off with my girl—did I mention I am so totally Emo" thing going on. He wants to be the leader (or he's sellin' the whole loner bad boy vibe for the chicks) but clearly the over confident, smug smile framed by the only hood in the picture has to be the leader. Subconsciously the leader always has to set himself apart from the others, that's why he's wearing a fur trimmed hood for crying-out-loud.
Ha ha splotchy-they are voting for hoodies. I know how you love that word.
It is PBRme ASAP man.
Though he is in the back row he has sort of a 'aren't my underlings cute' look on his face.
My vote is for the guy on the right - he looks like an administrator and everyone knows that they're the ones who actually run things, even if they're not the "leader".
At first glance, it is the man on the right. But I'm going with the man on the left because I'm having an "opposite" kind of day..
I say it's the dude in the parka. the guy on the right is just constipated...
hoodie dude is band asshole that always has to be funny and ends up screwing everything up - basically, he's an attention whore, he'd like to think he's the leader but clearly he's not.
pabst blue ribbon dude is smug silent type, very influential, and would probably be the leader if pushed for it.
guy on the right is the action man who makes the decisions.
guy on the front far right!
Parka Man. He looks really smug.
Left has the reserved dignity of a butler - I say he's a a concert pianist and this is his 'for fun' project. He is assured and calm. Hoodie is clearly the brains - he is the only one with head cover in whiteout conditions. He gets all the women and skims profits off the top, unbeknownst to his bandmates. PBR with the womb-broom is, yes, the drummer. He started the band but he is older, more wornout, and can't keep up with his younger bandmates - has two kids, minimum. note the old school "I-saw-the-Clash-in-concert" loops on the shoulders. Sensitive Trotskyist on the right wants to be the Trevor Rabin to this Yes. He wants to take these leftover grungers into the Emo scene - he'll connive to replace founder-drummer shortly.
3d guy from the left is so very in charge. The one with the evil-overlord lookin beard-a-ma-jig.
heath, that was a damn good analysis!
guy on right is the John.
guy on left is the Paul.
guy with goatee is the George.
parka guy's the Ringo.
therefore, glasses guy is the leader, even though him & leftie do all the hard work together.
I'd say the guy with the jacket\hood. He's not quite the frontman in the pic but gets enough attention in the pic to show that he is the frontman.
ok weasel, i was just coming back to make the Beatle's comparison and see you beat me to it.
So the question now is, Who was in charge, John or Paul?
come on, frontman-parka-guy is no more "in charge" here than david lee roth was "in charge" of van halen
Second from left...obviusly
The guy in the parka has to be in charge. The guy on the right looks like he's the brains, but too "nerdy" to get the job done a la Seth Green's character in the Italian Job. The big factor is he's wearing a parka, the other guys are wearing flimsy coats, he checked out the weather channel and he knows what's going on. That smirk says it all, "Ha these clowns in the band don't know that the barometer has dropped and we are going to get snow."
The guy in the glasses. He has a tiny smile. Ever so tiny. So tiny it looks like a frown. That's the burden of leadership.
I say the guy on the far right. He definitely looks like he's leading the group.
While ultimately I think the guy to the far right with the glasses is the leader, I think he is reluctant and was talked into being the leader by parka guy.
Cool idea for a blog game.
I agree with what srawr42 said. I pick the 3rd guy from the left.
I'm going with the guy in the parka.
the dude with the hood. i like this blog! just been scrolling through them, and it seems that whoever is in charge is ALWAYS at the front!or slighlty in front of everyone else. in saying that, i don't think the guy with the hood is nearest the front in this one but he has that look about him :P
Guy far left!
Dude in the furry hood is in charge.
He just stands out like crazy.
First of all I thought it was the guy on the far left. Then I looked closer at the guy in the parka. Surely only the guy in charge would wear something so attention grabbing. What he lacks in height he makes up for in style (?)
I vote for parka dude.
Definitely far-right guy.
Unfortunately, I believe the dude in glasses is in charge. His expression, however, reads as that of a deferent sheep.
Dude with the hood
pOnk, it was always john's band! he started it with his friend pete when they were at school. john & paul needed each other, but john was The Man. proved by the fact he got arty, died young, features regularly in World's Greatest Liverpudlian lists and appears on t-shirts. while mr mccartney wrote the frog chorus, foolishly married an (alleged) one-legged money-grabbing psychobitch, and is now an (alleged) washed up international laughing stock.
sorry to digress, splotchy. i still think it's the guy on the right.
Definitely the guy second from the left. He's smiling, he knows what's going on - and it's not just his hood.
In fact, his determination to wear his hood up implies a certain rebelliousness and a need to stand out from the crowd. He wouldn't be in the band if he wasn't in charge.
The others are probably a bit upset by this and become increasingly likely to sulk. Sulking is an unattractive behavious, so consequently they don't get laid much. Thus they become increasingly embittered until hood-man goes off on a solo career taking all the young attractive fans with him.
That's what I think.
second from the right. definateley. you can just tell.
far right.
The guy that looks like the mona lisa with the hood on. He has the look of a fat cat that has swallowed a mouse.
I'd say the guy with the hood on. He's bold enough to pose with a hood on, making himself stand out from the others. My focus tends to be on him. Also, his smile seems to be hiding something... He's intriguing. It's like he's trying to tell us he's the leader of the pack.
hmm... for me it's a toss up between 2...
the dude in the big hooded jacket seems the most relaxed with the smile on his face.
the guy in glasses looks like he stepped into the picture late because he was checking everything out behind the lenses before he stepped in for the shot.
and so my final guess is going to be the dude in glasses. =)
btw, the self-assured blondie looks like he knows everything.
The guy with the jacket hood.
He's smirking, sorta like he's the one with all the cash.
And he's made himself different.
Coat guy!
He's using props to make himself look more the part.
Dude with the furry hood. Check out the smirk. The guy on the right is just jealous that he's not in charge.
Hmm, fuzzy hood has some attention drawn to him. But I'd have to say thats too obvious. Im going for the far left.
Middle left... if you look at The Beatles photos where they are lined up, John is always second in line... These guys hope to be like them so they followed suit.
Definitely the guy to the right. He is clearly not amused by the antics of his bandmates, especially that guy with the fur hoodie (if he doesn't shape up soon he'll be packing his bags).
I would vote for the guy in the "hoodie," i.e. second from the left.
I vote for strange hood man.
It's the smirk.
glasses = in charge
The guy in the parka. He's the obnoxious, bully, crybaby of the bunch. He's also working his ass off to stand out from everyone else, making sure we notice him and how important and cool he is.
I would definately say that the guy with the gotee would look like a great band leader. Hey, but that's just my opinion.
Thick-coat guy.
Smiley hood boy! He's got that look that makes you want to follow!
I think it's the Happy smiley guy with the wonderful Fuzzy Hood!!
the one on the right
far right, even tho mr. fur hood is trying to pull focus
parka guy!
spectacled looks hopeful but almost trying too hard.
the other two, well, just blend into the background.
Gotta say it....Parka Guy
My vote goes to the guy wearing glasses (extreme right).
Process of elimination: Guy on far right, too emo - can't rule if you're worried about hurting someone's feelings. Far left guy, depressed - enough said. Goatee guy, no one listens to him because they're too busy staring his goatee and wondering if he colors it. So it must be smirky-fur-hat guy.
I think its the lil dude, second from left .... has the coat hood up to make sure you see his face and he doesn't blend into the background.
Far right guy
The guy on the far left. He looks boss.
The guy in the parka because a)he put somthing on his head to stand out from the others and b) he has that cocky grin on his face
Definitely the guy with the - uh - is that a furry coat hood? He's the one.
I'm going with Mr. Pabst Blue Ribbon in the back. Not just because he's proud of the fact that he's advertising a sucky brew, but he has this "Yeah....try it. I dare you." look about him. He's probably a real ball buster in negotiations.
The guy in the glasses, definitely...see how he photo finished by jutting his shoulder forward?
i have to go with the hooded guy. he looks very cocky and snarky. almost like "check out these stiff douschebags that i have to hang with."
It's the guy on the left...something about his eyes.
It's the guy in the hood.
I believe it to be Mr Far right with the slightly peeved expression denoting that he wishes they would shape up and learn to follow the black dots in order to better express his finely honed musical commentaries on currently socio-political mores.
The rest have probably pinned ' I sing like a gurl' on the back of his shirt.
The guy in the hood.
He's has a smug on his face that says he knows it all.
When I shot this photo for Spanish for 100, I had no idea who was in charge. I've since seen countless shows, toured the country with them and shot some of the recording of their forthcoming album. Having spent a considerable amount of time with the band, I think their wives are in charge.
Love you guys.
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