Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.

Genre: Pop
Voting ends on: Monday, July 7th, 9:00am CST (GMT-5)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
No One - 1 vote
The Luncheonette Owner, Second From Left - 7 votes
Gang Sign - 6 votes
Middle Guy - 1 vote
Far Right - 2 votes
Far Left - 1 vote
It was a close race, but the luncheonette owner won by a milkshake.

I don't know, I'll just say you're in charge, Splotchy, because they're like your favorite band or something.
No, on second thought, I'll say Rainn Wilson's long-lost brother there, 2nd from left.
Second from left, Mr. No-glasses-and-rolled-pant-cuffs. He also appears to own the luncheonette. The guys in glasses seem replaceable; they're even standing on what appears to be a rolling palette for easy removal. I think the guy on the left is the brains in the group, but he looks a little too Rainman-ish to be In Charge.
it's always the guy least capable of dressing himself. Because not being able to dress yourself = avant garde = most artistic genius
in this case, 2nd from right.
I go with widow's peak second from left, everyone else looks like they are on a scheme, the one in charge is about to shepherd them back onto the bus so they can get back in time for the meds to come round.
Strange picture of a great band (playing a reunion show in NYC this Friday!!).
They've somehow made themselves look like a pair of tourists (two on the left) posing next to life-size cardboard cutouts of (from L to R) a youthful Tim Robbins, a youthful Ron Wood, and the Beastie Boys' MCA (looking youthful). I guess the Luncheonette is having a Free Tibet festival.
Running with that admittedly trippy theory, the the cardboard cutout of Tim Robbins (third from either left or right) must be in charge.
Jared, despite what you might have read elsewhere (e.g. my other blog), it's no coincidence the Feelies are featured this week on WICH.
I am flying out to New Jersey tomorrow morning. I'm a-gonna see them play at Maxwell's in Hoboken!
The guy with the white t-shirt and super-short pants (second from right, of course) -- he actually looks like the only one fully aware that his photo is being taken, and he seems to be attempting to signal a play to the photog on the sly . . .
man, this is the toughest pic to decide the leader since 'changcuters' in april. i'll vote for the guy on the right, i guess...?
Splotchy, I saw the Feelies open up for Lou Reed circa 1989-1990. I also caught one of the million or so shows they did at Maxwell's back in the day. Maxwell's was like their own personal garage.
I'm confused, and this picture makes my head hurt. Must eliminate guys in sunglasses. Signal 4 must be a drummer. Is the guy on the right wearing women's shoes? Boy, Eddie Munster (second from left) sure got tall. What's on that card in Rainman's pocket? Is he actually a young Harry Dean Stanton? He must be in charge (far left). I now require strong drink. The Feelies are creepy.
Rhubarb, creepy? I thought no one would be creepy relative to Corvus Corax.
Oooh..tough one. I think I am going to go with the man who is second from the left.
Have a good week.
yep, corvus corax pegged the creep-o-meter, with the blow in second place. on a scale of one to ten, the feelies aren't very creepy... ;)
The only one who is smiling... second from left
Visually speaking, Dude in the white shirt, who I'll dub DWS (dude white shirt) has the most contrast around him.
If I was a photographer, I would want the leader to have the most contrast and be in a spot of interest which he is placed in. (Centers of Interest are usually one of the four quadrants of a piece). Also his fingers draw attention and the vertical lines therein move the eye up to his body (white shirt) and then his head. His head also is dark against a "sectioned-off" light background.
Soooo... DWS wins it for me. :)
To normal people, you'd be right, the Feelies aren't very creepy. But for some reason, I find myself simultaneously repulsed and depressed. Perhaps I need medication. Corvus Corax was simply horrible but ultimately laughable, kind of like Satan.
I'm gonna say second from the right is in charge; he seems to be the only one looking directly at the camera, plus he has his hand in some weird symbolic gesture--or maybe he's trying not to wet himself.
I'm convinced that the shades-wearing trio on the right isn't even in the band. They were just hanging out on a street corner and these two joes on the left decided to pose for a band photo with them while they weren't looking. It was all the idea of Mr. Receding Hairline, though. He's in charge.
I vote for the black rubber looking mat that the 3 to the right are standing on. The mat has more then half the band standing on it. Thus it has the "majority vote" effect.
The mat, Sir Splotchy, is my final answer.
I can't stop laughing at these comments.
How am I so late to this WICH party? This is beyond fun.
White T-Shirt, sunglasses, second from right. Because he's flashing the photographer hand signals. Not only is he in charge of the band, he's also in charge of the photographer.
The guy in the white shirt making the weird gang symbol is in charge.
I don't think it's the guy with the gang symbol hand, only because he's affected the Dexie's Midnight Runner's rolled up pants thing and that's nasty. I'm going to vote for guy on the right who seems completely uninterested and has the cool necklace but not cool shoes.
I disagree that it's bad gang symbol guy, because he's affected that rolled up pant thing last seen in the Come on Irene video...I'm going to go for the guy on the far right, just for his jewelry, not for his abominable taste in footwear.
I'm going with the forehead, second from the left.
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