Determine a band's leader by analyzing a publicity photo.
A band's inclusion on this blog reflects neither an endorsement nor a criticism of its music. This post is merely intended as a spotlight on the inner political workings of a collection of individuals who are in the midst of a cooperative, creative endeavor.
The Process:
You, dear reader, please answer the question, "Who's in charge here?"
After sufficient discussion has taken place, a verdict can then be passed based on a majority vote.
Click on pic for larger image

Genre: Kid-Friendly
Voting ends on: Monday, June 30th, 9:00am CST (GMT-5)
THE VERDICT (Updated!)
Voting has ended. Here is the tally.
No One: 5 Votes
The Squatter: 9 votes
Lefty Jonas: 2 votes
Ramones In The Middle: 2 votes
Once again, the squatter proves to be the dominant figure in a band photo. All hail the squatter!
Click on pic for larger image

So totally over these guys...
The guy in the black jacket.
Have a great week!
12 year old girls worldwide are in charge.
is this a subliminal Cingular commercial? I could ask my 12yo daughter who is in charge, but then i'd get a 2-hour explanation.
Normally i tend to go with the centerpiece, but i'm going with squatter this time.
ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Look at all the objects I get to choose from!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Im going to vote for the partialy obscured "Coney Island" sign in the back.*sits back lighting up a cig* Wow that felt good.
Jaded, I just can't figure you out. I was sure it was going to be the puddle.
They're brothers? Well, then the oldest has to be in charge. The others can't cross the road unless he's there to hold their hands. Hmm, so which one is the oldest? The one on the left? I'm going with him, unless anyone knows that he's not the oldest.
My daughter would say they are all in charge, but Nick is the one most in charge with her heart. He's the dude in the middle.
And why the hell do I know which one he is? Please kill me now.
Open letter to the Jonas Brother in the middle:
Dear Pop Tart:
Lose the Ramones shirt. You've only heard of the Ramones because "Blitzkrieg Bop" was on the "Jimmy Neutron Movie" soundtrack. You'd have been torn to sticky, bubblegummy shreds at CBGB's back in the day.
And while you're at it, get out of Brooklyn. Hop on the B train (or into your Dad's SUV) back to Times Square to be with your fellow tourists. My 10yo daughter says you're, like OMG, from Deep Suburbia, New Jersey. Biggie must be turning over in his grave with you chumps posing so close to Bed-Stuy.
I sat through your "Hannah Montana" episode like 10 times. Billy Ray Cyrus is in charge.
Their parents are in charge...until such time as the brothers decide that, just like Britney, they want to shed their goody-goody, holding-hands-and-praying, non-threatening and as-sexual-as-a-mannequin image.
Well, "a jaded girl" missed her opportunity to put Chuck Taylor/Converse in charge, but I have to disqualify myself because I own a pair of the product in question. He Who Squats To Pee is obviously a drummer. Thanks to jared x for correctly chastising Poser (Shrug) Jonas for the Ramones t-shirt so I don't have to. By process of elimination, that leaves Lefty Jonas, who clearly considers his fellow siblings lesser beings.
Squatting Jonas is in charge becasue he looks like the karate kid. Karate kid totally kicks ass and you all know it.
First, I'd say Nick, in the middle (yes, Jeff, like you I have a daughter, so how could I NOT know who he is? Jeez).
Second, can we give the kids a break? Worshiping harmless cute boys with marginal musical talent is a staple of adolescent girlhood, and it serves it's purpose -- there's plenty of time for our girls to get worked up over truly frightening idols in the future . . .
Second, can we give the kids a break?
Angela, you need only to look back at last week's post of The Blow to see what true carnage unleashed on a band looks like.
I think thus far Jonas Brothers have been treated quite gently.
Righty is in charge. He's confident enough to squat while his brothers are standing about all average-like. Not to mention the other two's minds appear to be wandering elsewhere... (Let's hope it's not to your teenage daughters, punks!)
low down boy is in charge
Haha Splotchy dear, I have fooled you again. I considered the puddle briefly but I figured that all 2 people who actually notice my little quirk would be expecting the puddle. Thus making the Coney Island Sign the victor in my twisted little world.
Im and enigma wrapped in a mind-fuck :D
I'm torn between the one in the middle (only one facing us) and the pensive squatter.
I think the expression of "wow, I am TOTALLY awesome" wins.
I'm going with squatter in black jacket. Final Answer!
The shirt says Ra-mones? Dude, I totally thought that was Hor-mones. Dang. Next you'll tell me Black Flag doesn't have anything to do with "Capture the Flag" at summer camp, or that Clash isn't what happens when I wear my madras shorts with my lime green Old Navy Tee.
Jeez. Old farts are harshin' my bliss.
Oh, and he who squats to pee is in charge just because I like to say it.
I think Walt Disney's frozen head is in charge.
squatter's in charge for the day (until their mom returns)
Re: Angela, you need only to look back at last week's post of The Blow to see what true carnage unleashed on a band looks like.
Splotchy, you are correct! This is indeed a kinder, gentler post. I think I was channeling my 12-year-old there for a moment -- thanks for bringing me back . . .
I go with he who squats, their face seem all kind of blurry to me ( ? too much cider last night) but he seems to squat and smirk....these guys are unfamiliar to me and the new info about 'kid friendly' has reassuared me.
I don't know if it's possible to submit photos to this blog, but I think that the following shot of defunct ska band Five Iron Frenzy deserves its full consideration:
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